Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Im Back!

Hey bloggers...
Sorry for the late updating of my blog..well i'm actually staying in a hotel and still not in my permanent accommodation.
It's been already 3 weeks..everything going find here..for NEWBIE who wants to apply for Emirates, prepare yourself for a very long intensive training:S
Thursday i'll be doing my "last exam" this one is tough! Lots of information...
But what can i say about Dubai, is that everything is fine here...we are very rich though:) Specially Mauritians person!lol
My graduation day is on the 22th january and i'll surely start flying soon...:) Just can't wait for it..
Here's a picture took from my batch..lovely persons..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Emirates New Crew

I've copied the text below from an article about the new mauritians cabin crew..it's in french and i really do not want to translate it..too long and i'm just too tired..beer and beer in my vein at the moment:)

"Le dernier exercice de recrutement effectué par Emirates à Maurice a été un succès. En effet, vingt-cinq Mauriciens de plus se sont joints à l’équipe de personnel de cabine de la ligne aérienne basée à Dubayy. Vu la qualité des candidats Mauriciens, Emirates procèdera à un nouvel exercice de recrutement à la fin du mois de décembre.

Les recrues mauriciennes, comme tous les autres membres du personnel de cabine, seront basées à Dubayy. En sus d’un salaire non-taxable, la ligne aérienne procure aux nouvelles recrues un logement luxueux, équipé de facilités sportives. Emirates leur offre aussi des possibilités intéressantes de développement professionnel.

Après un exercice de sélection rigoureux, les nouvelles recrues subissent cinq semaines de formation et d’évaluation intensives à l’Emirates Aviation College à Dubayy. Les facilités de pointe incluent les simulateurs de formation en urgence et la formation médicale accréditée par le Royal College of Surgeons d’Edinbourg.

« Le nombre élevé de Mauriciens recrutés suite au dernier exercice de sélection démontre qu’Emirates est un acteur économique actif à Maurice. Nous disons toujours que notre partenariat avec Maurice fonctionne bien et ceci est une démonstration de notre intention de continuer dans cette direction », affirme Oomar Ramtoola, Manager d’Emirates pour les Iles de l’océan Indien.

« Le nombre de Mauriciens employés comme personnel de cabine d’Emirates a maintenant atteint soixante-dix. Ce nombre augmentera très bientôt du fait que nous avons prévu un autre exercice de recrutement à Maurice à la fin du mois. Emirates emploie des Mauriciens car ces derniers sont connus pour leur dévouement à leur emploi, ils sont de bons ‘team players’ et ont l’avantage de parler couramment au moins deux langues », ajoute M. Ramtoola.

A noter que les campagnes de recrutement internationales, surtout dans des régions desservies par Emirates, ont eu pour résultat de réunir une base de talents comprenant plus de 110 différentes nationalités"

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Finally i've received my final approval!. I'm officially part of Emirates Airline as Cabin Crew/Steward or Flight Attendant whatever you want..:)
I'll be on my first flight to another country! OMG! I'm still under the shock:D Now it's time to do some shopping..
Can't wait to be there to start the training and yes i will know how to deliver a baby on plane!hihi!
Stay tune for more upcoming news:)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

2 weeks left

Ahh..two weeks left before the final flight..
For those who will be part of emirates airlines later, you will need to be strong because there's a lots of "waiting"!! Damn for sure..
I'm waiting to get my ticket and Visa though..i've heard that a mauritian just went away last friday...i should soon get my reply..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I've done all my medical test. My ass is hurting with all these needles! Damn i hate needle! So if you want to be part of the cabin crew of emirates, you will need to do a very very intensive medical requirement.
From HIV test to X-ray of mouth and chest..so be well prepare.
I'm waiting for their call to know when they gonna send me my ticket and visa..
I really can't wait to be there..a bit afraid of this new life but also very excited..
I'm gonna miss a lot of people here..good friends to relatives..:(
Anyway it's what i wanted to do..and now i just got the opportunity..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Emirates Opening Day

Below are the documents you should bring if you apply to Emirates Airline:
  1. Updated Curriculum Vitae
  2. One full length photo (Business Attire)
That's all.
For the open day, candidates should be well dress. Always in business attire. Guys must be well shave and girls do not use too much of eye lining etc..
Try to have a consistent breakfast because the interview last a whole day! So be well prepare.

There will be two recruiters, and it's always women. They are very pleasant and will always make you at ease, so do not stress or whatever. Stay calm because they try to get the most information from your body language or you way of talking.
For the open day, you will pass a series of tests. There are 4 elimination tests. It means that, you should pass the first test to continue to the second one.
The 4 tests are in order:
  1. Group discussion
  2. Screening Test
  3. Screening Test
  4. Group discussion
The first 3 one are very easy but the last is going to determine you are selected to continue to the final interview. After the 4th test, there is no more elimination test. So you can relax and you can say to yourself, "yeah i've done it":)

Tips from my experience:
  1. Always smile
  2. Do not talk too much nor stay quiet when in discussion group. One phrase may help you goes to the next stage
  3. Remember to have your eyes on everyone when speaking to the whole group. DO NOT WATCH ONLY THE RECRUITER. Just make like if they are not here.
  4. Always participate and try to be natural. DON'T BE FAKE.
  5. Think before talking. Any bullshit will be taken in consideration.
If you succeed, you will be ask to attend the final interview. Next post will be on the final interview. If you have any question, do leave a comment and your mail.


Le Raver

Jevin aka le raver, has started mixing at 17 years old. He started like most of the djs on the island in parties, birthdays. 1999 he discovered hard style from artist like Manu le Malin (French dj) and started to discover the electronic world. He then started to evolute in house music and mostly acid house. Carl cox inspired him during years and he became a great fan of this 3 decks wizard dj! In 2007 he enters a school of djs (Stylus) and learn to mix in order to acquire more experience with his professor David Jay. He came first in his batch during an exam and played his first live in Kitsch. He's looking forward for the crowd to discover his genre..soulful, latino and deep house
He recently created his label know as EspacePrivee Records, hoping it will turn on into something big soon..


His unreleased bootleg of Be can be found on his myspace..check it out and leave your feedbacks.